Monday, August 10, 2009

attempt #37 at starting a blog

As the title suggests, this is not my first blog. In fact, its not even my second blog. I've blogged on and off now over the past several years; each time starting a whole new identity on a whole new blog site. I probably have about 10 inactive blog accounts, just littering the web; my own carbon footprint.

Not really sure why I never stuck with it, but, as I was attempting to start up this new account, I was quickly reminded as to why blogging sucks. The first thing they make you do is think up some stupid blog name that everyone in the world will see. This is no easy feat. You see, the name of your blog sets the tone for every blog you write for the rest of your life. It is the bloggers first impression. Something simple in the bloggers world equates to something boring, and when your blog is pegged as boring, you might as well not be blogging in the first place. The way I see it people blog because they want people to hear about all the stupid stuff going on with them and they want to feel like their life is important and interesting. Well when your blog gets zero hits because of a boring title, you are quickly reminded of how insignificant and boring your life really is. And when you can't even get the crazy, opinioated blogger community to read your stupid blog, it is perhaps one of hte saddest feelings a man or woman could ever feel. I'll admit, the blogging world isn;t for everyone. It's a cold hearted, son of a bitch. But, unfortunately, blogging will be here forever because people always want to feel important. Well fuckers, this is my attempt to feel important.

The real reason I wanted to blog was so I can talk about some of the shows I've been watching and how stupid they are. But now I've been blogging for over 30 minutes and am tired and didn't even get to talk about TV and I am again reminded of why blogging sucks.

1 comment:

  1. Yes!!
    1. You started a blog!
    2. I'm your first follower.
