Tuesday, September 1, 2009

wtf youtube

I'm always hearing about how there are so many great videos on YouTube and how I should totally check them out. So being the sucker I am, I decided to spend some of my valuable time perusing the site. What I found was disturbing.

Now, not having much experience with YouTube, I did what every logical person would do first. I sorted the videos by most popular so that I could get in on what all the cool kids are watching these days. Well, apparently these "cool kids" are watching some idiot named Fred. Perhaps you are familiar with this freak. If not, the following video you are about to see may be unsettling. Viewer discretion is effing advised...

...dude...seriously? how the hell does this guy get 2+ million views? What the hell is wrong with people these days. Who thinks up these things? And, more importantly, who the hell can even watch this crap?

It seriously makes me want to start my own youtube "show". I don't see how I could make something any less entertaining. Seriosuly.

In all seriousness (editors note: need to expand vocabulary beyond seriously/serious/seriousness) though, I am pretty sick of these self-absorbed freaks who feel the need to put themselves on the internet. I hate looking at you. I hate listening to you. And I hate hearing about your stupid opinions.

At this juncture of the blog, I want to remind you to tell all your friends about my blog and pass the word around! ...............

In closing, today, this is not why blogging sucks. Today, this is why YouTube sucks.
